I am Amber from New York City and I am a newborn soul in Christ.
I was baptized in the water at the end of 2009, and filled with the Holy Spirit 2 years later.
"Daughter of the King" comes from the youth women's group at my church, named "Daughters of the King". Through Christ, we are royalty and we are entitled to the all the blessings that are entitled to us.
This page serves as my online journal as I continue to seek God's voice and direction over my life. I am still very much a work-in-progress, another one of God's masterpieces that is yet to be finished.
My visions, thoughts, notes, trips and events, etc., will be posted here to avoid getting lost among my main blog's posts.
If you are interested in my main blog A·M·A·N·I, visit it! It's full of banter about my personal life, fashion, etc. You have been warned~